Downloading Scripts, Files and Folders

This page will cover how to download everything, where to download it to, what modules you will need, and more. To start off, just know this page only covers the Create Chapter program since I still need to rework the actual game script and its libraries.

The easiest way to download all of the files and folders you will need is to directly download the entire repository from here. It will give you more than you need, but this ensures everything I add later on will still be accessible even as files, folders, and images change.

The following directories should be installed right into the Python3 home folder when on Windows or the home directory of the user if on Linux:

  • The most current /pics/ directory located in the All-Images folder from the above download
    • This contains subdirectories for the various tiles, background graphics, and character images
  • The same applies to the latest /FIRE_EMBLEM_SAVE_FILES/ directory, which can be found in Full-folder-and-file-structure-uploads in that same download. Remove whatever date is attached to the end of its name leaving just /FIRE_EMBLEM_SAVE_FILES/

The Create Chapter Program

This is designed to work on Windows 10/11, but if you want to modify it to work on Linux then go for it. I did emulate a fresh Windows 11 VM and ensured everything worked as expected (but please let me know if something stops working). First of all, download the latest version of the program from this directory.

What else is needed:

  • Python3 from here. From that link find the latest stable release and choose the install for Windows option
  • Pip should install alongside that, but if not you can download it separately. To confirm if it was downloaded enter pip --version at the command prompt
  • Install the following modules with the pip3 install <module name> command: xlrd, numpy, matplotlib and pathfinding

Working versions of these modules:

Since I don’t know if any future updates will mess things up, here are the current versions of all the modules I am using without issue:

  • Pygame: 2.4.0 (Windows) or 1.9.6 (Linux)
  • Xlrd: 2.0.1
  • Numpy: 1.24.2
  • Pathfinding: (unsure, need to check)
  • Matplotlib: this will install a host of other libraries…
  • Python3 - 3.10.11 or 3.9.x
  • Pip - 23.0.1

Do NOT install pygame over pip if on Linux, instead use sudo apt-get install python3-pygame and ensure that the correct version is installed (see above).

Note: You can check what module versions you have installed using pip freeze at the command prompt.

FE Moldark

As stated, this part needs work and I will update as soon as I can. In the meantime, enjoy this Gif of happy Obi-Wan: