
You can reach out to me via email at if you have any queries about this project. Also, If you want to contribute to this game via graphics or anything else, by all means let me know and I can provide more specific information on dimensions of specific images that still need to be made. Same applies to coding - if there is a classic FE feature out there you notice I’m missing, reach out and we can work from there.

Alternatively, if you want to take this project as is and go in your own direction with it just let me know, I don’t have a problem providing the source code I’ve written so far. Fair warning - it sits at over 16,000 lines of code for the main program and a separate program at around 5,000+ lines which is used as a chapter structuring tool. Additionally, since this has always been a personal project and never meant to be distributed this way it is NOT well documented. As long as you understand it will be a pain trying to decipher this on your own, go for it. I have variables and functions named things similar to „whyArentYouWorking“ or „IHateThisPart“ which I know VERY well what they are supposed to do, however, a stranger will no doubt find them incredibly confusing. This is a very large project that has been 7 years in the making after all, so there is even a fair amount of old code that I have trouble deciphering. I would recommend holding off on requesting it for now since I am overhauling large amounts of it. When I think it’s ready to be published I’ll push it to Github. That README file is gonna be fun…