In-Game Achievements

I decided to add an absolutely useless weapon to the game just for fun, and then it was suggested to me to turn killing an enemy boss with that weapon into an achievement. That led me down a rabbit hole of making up mainly just funny achievements for the game. Some play into cliches from the Fire Emblem series, others are inspired by Star Wars memes, some even come from other Fire Emblem creators over on YouTube. I had a good time thinking up all of these, and suggestions are always welcome to help add to this list. Part of me did die inside when I realized I will need to program in all of these checks for the achievements, but that’s tomorrow’s problem.

Name: Requirements: Comments:
War crimes Kill an enemy cleric or healer. Technically, yeah, it is.
Grinding Spend at least 123 turns in a single chapter.  
The Corruption of the Jedi Recruit a child soldier to fight for your cause. Did the Clone Wars teach you nothing??
Ike’s glitch Start a unit with four iron swords.  
The Bismix way Use the warp staff at least 3 times in a single chapter. OR I COULD USE THE WARP STAFF
Welcome to Fire Emblem Have a unit die from an enemy crit with less than a 3% chance.  
What a waste Modify a weapon in the forge to ONLY be worse in every aspect.  
Impressive. Most impressive. Kill a boss with the Longong Spear. More on this later…
Cursed Have a unit miss eight times in a row. Have you heard of the bench?
Main character syndrome Complete an entire chapter with only one unit.  
Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete. Meet a blue-haired lord who doesn’t have their parents die in the first five seconds. I think this is funny.
Never tell me the odds Kill an enemy unit with a less than 3% crit chance. I really hope you weren’t counting on this.
Money can’t buy happiness, I guess? Have exactly 0 funds at any point past chapter 13. It was GameStop stock, wasn’t it?
Investor Gather at least 30,000 funds at any point in the game.  
You didn’t do your research… Use at least 5 stat boosters on a single unit. Didn’t you review the growth rates?
You shouldn’t feel good about this one Reach an extra chapter due to lack of units. You suck, you’re evil, or you want 100%.
Grave digger Have a hired unit die in combat and recover the funds used to purchase their services. Bro. WTF.
C’mon son… Try to visit a village with an undead unit. I mean, how did you think this was gonna go?
Nobleman Max out a weapon in all categories at the forge. Well this seems like a waste.
Kessel Run Complete a chapter by the end of your 2nd turn.  
Someone learned about the High Ground One-hit a boss by some miracle. How did you even manage this?
Valuing money over lives… Enter the arena.